Sunday, October 27, 2013

Chassis painted

Today was a marathon session. What took us nearly 2 months to figure out and build - we removed in less than 3 hours ! It almost seems we are working backwards. Steering, chassis components and suspension were disassembled and filed away for future use. We gave the chassis a final sand and cleaned it with brake cleaner before using 4 cans of black Rustoleum paint. Now the frame looks 1000 times better and is a great base to start our restoration.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Steering, Instrument Panel and Suspension Completed

Both fron and rear suspensions have been completed as well as gear selector and steering. New aircraft hardware has arrived which will replace many of the missing nuts and bolts. Next step will be pedal assembly , brakes and clutch. Once this is done everthing will be dissasembled again and catalogued in order to strip and paint the frame. At that point we will do any chassis modifications such as stiffening the lower tub by riveting in a stronger floor and moving the fuel cel from the side pods to a safer location which is behind the driver.