Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Moving in

Last night I helped my dad unload the Lola from the U-haul van. Amazingly we transported an entire car (its pieces) in 15 minutes into the basement. The chassis was a tight fit but we managed to set it up on the two saw horses. We stored the tires and organized the parts in the boxes. Most is labeled and in serviceable condition. 

The entire Lola in the back of a pick-up

Extraction from the woods

My dad purchased the car from one person who lived in Chicago but actually had to pick up the various parts of the Lola in 3 different locations in New Jersey. It was like race car forensics puzzle...

Dolfs father's backyard: this is where the chassis was hiding
Peter's "shop" where the rest of the parts were stored
The frame of the car as we uncovered it from the container

Build location: Basement of our 300 year old house

Since old houses do not have garages - we have decided to build the Lola in our basement. Equipped with a good stereo, everything is possible.

Original Photos

This is what a Lola T440 looks like. It is a Formula Ford - purpose built race car. Our particular car was built in 1978 and is chassis number HU 97.

Our Lola T440 (chassis HU 97) at rest and speed

It is a well known opinion that of all the Formula cars of that era Lolas were always the most beautiful and had the most slippery shape. This of course helps as the Lola can travel up to 130 mph.